“Oopps! What was this git command?!”

3 min readOct 19, 2020
Source by https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/331296116325194897/

<Git Reminder>

git add

add all the files you have touched

git add .

add only specific file(s)

git add myFile.javagit add mySecondFile.txt

add only tracked files and ignore untracked

git add -u

git pull

Image source by http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3tfphc
git pull//orgit pull origin <branchname>

git cherry-pick

Who doesn’t like cherries ❤

You can apply the changes from another commit!

git cherry-pick <commithash>

git commit

Since you have to/must COMMIT after adding your files with a descriptive message :

git commit -m “I have done these brilliant amazing one million dollars changes, give me a beer now.”

Oh but you forgot to add something and you need to change the message on your last commit!

git commit --amend -m "New commit message"

git push

Time to push your local changes to remote!!

git push origin <yourbranch>

If you are using the base branch like “master” then just do

git push

You all done! That is it! Now, go home safely my friend. ❤


Image source by https://www.mememaker.net/meme/git-conflicts-git-conflicts-everywhere/

WTF !!! How I am gonna solve this?! Send HALPP :(

Conflicts usually occur when competing changes are made to the same line of a file, or when one person edits a file and another person deletes the same file.

Let’s have an example:

Let’s assume that you have a branch called “lipstick” that you have created from master -your base/origin- branch.

You have done some changes on “lipstick” branch; you did -add, commit, push- .

//You are on 'lipstick' branch
git add .
git commit -m"<commit message>"
git push origin lipstick

But you realize that you can not merge your branch with the base one since you are some commits behind master.

What to do then?

//You are on 'lipstick' branch
git checkout master
//now you are on master branch
git pull
git checkout lipstick
git merge master
//here you will see some logs on the bash just type
git push origin lipstick

No more Conflicts! You are good to go to merge with master!

  • If you do not see any logs on the bash and if it just says, you have conflicts on these files then

You can either go and simply check those files by looking at

<<<<<<< HEAD.... //head branchs changes=======... //your changes you added newly>>>>>>> dd2c3d7d //your commit hash

You should remove ‘<<<<<<< HEAD // ======= // >>>>>>> dd2c3d7d

after deciding which part you wanna keep -both or head or your changes part.


you can use a tool like SourceTree to fix it easily.

Oh No!

Push rejected? Or you are working with a branch when someone is also using the same! You might have a conflict or destroy the other commits when you push!

You can say “Nah, I have a solution, I just do..”

git push --force


There is a safer, clever way! -always. Just do..

git push --force-with-lease
Image source by https://tr.pinterest.com/pin/78742693456888041/?nic_v2=1a1aacYCp

— force-with-lease gives you the flexibility to override new commits on your remote branch, whilst protecting your old commit history!

Shall we REBASE from Master ? ❤

git pull — rebase origin master

After all the chaos!

Let’s delete branches ❤

Deleting local branches in Git

git branch -d <yourbranch>

Deleting remote branches in Git

git push origin --delete <yourbranch>

That’s all for daily usage!

Hope it helps! ❤

